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October 26, 2007


Aussie Kim

Great photography! The Chaffaliar (Lou-sianna pronunciation right?) spillway is my favourite part. I WILL drive for 6 hours just to see it!
Today my kids ate fried funnel cake, fried oreo cookie and a fried snickers bar AFTER eating a smoked pork sandwich and a Dr Pepper. All at the Tunica "Delta Day" you will have to join us next year for this cullinary experience!
It's a no brainer why Mississippi has the worst heart attack and diabeties numbers in America.....

What's the next exciting installment for Tunica?
November 29 - December 1 Fitzgerald's Antique Tractor Pull Tunica Arena & Exposition Center
Put it in your diary

Activities Coordinator

Can't wait. Are they gonna have funnel cakes?

It's Cha-fuh-lye-uh. You were close, but you gotta watch that Mi'ssippi accent.

Chic Girl

Still green and lush where you are. Any fall colors yet?

Aussie Kim

It's Miss'sippi (ya gotta watch that Lo-sianna accent.

Ginger in La

Hey! I know that bridge! I went over it today on the way to (and from) a horse show! And I know that swamp! Went over it Thursday on the way to (and from) Houston. Yes, to and from all on the same day. (And you're right - it's The Chaf-uh-lye-uh. And, Aussie Kim, only the rednecks in Luh-weezie-anna call it Loo-zee-anna - us REAL Luh-weezie-an-ians know better.)

(BTW, I discovered your blog from a comment you made on the Pioneer Woman blog about the "wedding in Louisiana" - had to stalk - couldn't help myself! Fun blog, BTW. I homeschool, too!)


Activities Coordinator

Aw, now Ginger. She can't help herself. She's an Australian redneck! We love her even if she sounds like she's from the Mississippi Delta. (I'm in big trouble now!)

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