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April 05, 2008


Aussie Kim

For a picture of the mules go to http://www.homeschoolersavvy.typepad.com!


Hi, Might I suggest reading RISING TIDE by John M. Barry, if you haven't yet. It is a good read for grown ups. I enjoy reading your blog. (it's a good read for grown ups too).

Aussie Kim

Another on the Mississippi River (grownups only) is: "When the Mississippi Ran Backwards : Empire, Intrigue, Murder, and the New Madrid Earthquakes" by Jay Feldman. Who said living next to a fault line wasn't exciting?

Activities Coordinator

Thanks, Lou!

And when we moved here, people said, "I bet you're glad to get away from all those hurricanes."

Now we have hail, tornadoes and earthquakes. Give me a good hurricane any day.


These are great photos. Many thanks. Giga


Hey,levees come with cows in Louisiana, too.

Activities Coordinator

Shh! Don't tell!

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