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April 08, 2009



No thoughts or ideas, just comments~

My son is finishing up Geometry right now. He did the classes in the same order as our local highschool, and the same way I did them in school~ Alg 1, Geometry, Alg 2.

We have used Saxon math, but I wanted a full Geometry year under his belt so we went with Jacob's Geometry with the Callahan DVDs this year. I know lots of folks love it, but I have NOT liked it at all. Anyhow, the Callahan stuff recommends Alg 1, Alg 2, then Geometry to keep the flow of Algebra going.

Like I said...no ideas, just comments.

Activities Coordinator

Thanks, Susan. That's what I need. Current discussion involves Algebra II this summer and fall and starting Geometry in the spring.

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