I was skimming through some blogs today, and I ran across a rampant case of post plagiarism outrage. Can't say I blame them. I'd be outraged, too. That is, I would be outraged if someone claimed my writing as their own. Not that that is likely to happen. Here is why...
1. Most of my 12 faithful readers have better grammar than I do. They wouldn't be caught dead claiming this stuff. (Hi, Mom!)
2. I write about children not taking out the cat box. I write about slugs. I write about homeschooling three kids. I write about scraping dead chickens off the lawn. Enough said. Am I right?
3. I am constantly posting stupid pictures of my socially deviant cat.
Yow-za! Who would wanna steal this?
4. Entertaining Riveting Captivating Colorful Unique I have trouble finding the right word to describe my writing style. While I am pretty certain it's better than the back of the nearest cereal box, I wouldn't call it captivating. Captivating? This? Um, no.
5. Having limited readers denies would be thieves anonymity. (I know where you sleep at night, people. Ha! Just kidding. Or am I?)
See? I'm safe. Safe as houses! What does that mean, exactly? Safe as houses? Are houses necessarily safe? And what is it they are safe from?
But I digress.
While I cannot say that no one will ever steal the content of this blog, it think I can say that it should not happen. And if it ever does happen, someone please get that person some help...
Because they desperately need it.
Wow, I hadn't heard about all that plagiarism. Incredible. And completely pathetic.
Posted by: Theresa | April 21, 2009 at 10:14 AM
Yeah. How dull must your life be to steal someone else's? Criminal element aside, it's absolutely pitiful.
And I thought I was boring. At least I'm an original bore! :)
Posted by: Activities Coordinator | April 21, 2009 at 08:09 PM
It just strikes me as totally weird that people would be plagiarizing personal anecdotes. I would've thought that a plagiarist would be most likely to copy an opinion piece. Not that I would ever knowingly try to pass off someone else's writing as my own, but I can understand the desire to have others think I had come up with such brilliant arguments. KWIM?
Posted by: Crimson Wife | April 23, 2009 at 07:11 PM
Yeah, IKWYM. But that's my point. If you don't have brilliant arguments, there is no danger of being plagiarized! Excellent strategy, no?
Posted by: Activities Coordinator | April 27, 2009 at 06:28 AM