Introducing the newest inhabitant on the Planet...
Twinkles! It's a rabbit. Dr. R. will be coming by some time this week to tell us if Twinkles is a him or a her. The CFO's grandfather gave it to us. Twinkles is really kind of cute, in a fuzzy sort of way.
We are all excited to have a new member in our family. Some of us are more excited than others.
Right, Scratchy? No, no one called you for lunch. Go away.
Speaking of rabbits, we saw this sign while we were in Louisiana. You can't see the T from the road.
Grammar, spelling and interfaith relations all trampled upon in one fell swoop.
I removed the phone number in case you were tempted.
Bwwaaahhaahaaahaa. Love that sign!
Congrats on the newest member too!
Posted by: SMoff | May 03, 2009 at 06:55 PM
Thanks! It's great, isn't it?
Posted by: Activities Coordinator | May 03, 2009 at 07:33 PM
Great sign.
We have new rodent family members too--pet mice, that I can't get my husband to take a picture of with his super-duper camera! Not sure if he's just lazy or he doesn't like mice. Of course they won't sit still either...
Posted by: At A Hen's Pace | May 04, 2009 at 10:29 PM
They asked for a hairless rat. I said, "No!"
Posted by: Activities Coordinator | May 05, 2009 at 06:16 AM
Aw, what a cute little fuzzy wuzzy. My kids are starting to remember all of the things I said "maybe someday, if we ever get a little more land" to now that that particular someday is almost here.
They can remember conversations about ponies and bunnies, but not about fractions.
Posted by: Dana | May 09, 2009 at 08:09 PM