(Stained glass at U. S. Air Force Academy Cadet Chapel.)
Today was 6th Sunday at our church. What is 6th Sunday, you ask? It is the day when the children run the service.
(Scary, no?)
Here is the low down.
Tiger was the Crucifer. He carried the Cross. No one was injured or impaled. Good news!
Butterfly read the First Reading. When she came to the word Rephibim she substituted, "Uh, I don't know," then continued on.
Our priest turned purple. A delightful color.
Sal played Bach's Cello Suite #1 on accoustic guitar. It was beautiful. When he got up to return to the pew, I realized he was IN HIS SOCKS. He had kicked off his shoes and F.O.R.G.O.T.T.E.N.
Cringing in the front pew,
The mother.
I'm with Livvy on that one! Cute story.
Posted by: Ellen | March 28, 2011 at 02:34 PM